Lois Leveen


June 28, 2013

Would You Like a Side Order of False Claim with Your Mythbusting?

The Daily Mail picked up my Spy Photo story, debunking the claims that a certain picture is of "my" Mary Bowser. Check it out here.

The Daily Mail, however, included the false claim that Mary Bowser was a Bond Girl in their article. There is no historical evidence that Bowser ever used the name Ellen Bond (although she did use several aliases).

On the bright side, the Daily Mail did include a photo of me holding the UK version of my book (different cover) in a UK bookstore. Some poor intern must have spent HOURS reading my blog to find that!

For the next similarly charged intern, I offer this picture:

Stinky and the Mug sing songs of love

It has nothing to do with Mary Bowser, but aren't my kitties cute? And what's better than cute kitties?

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