Lois Leveen


July 18, 2017

What Writers Need Most

It's been a long while since I've updated this blog. Why? Lots of reasons, probably too many and too detailed to discuss here.

But there's one reason I'm updating it now. You.

If you're looking at this site, it's because you are a reader who cares about my work. And whatever else is happening in the world, or in one's life, good or lousy, the thing a writer needs most is the reminder that our work matters. So when The Fayetteville Ladies Book Lovers read and discussed The Secrets of Mary Bowser and took these beautiful pictures and wrote me about how much the book meant to them, it was a gift to me as a writer, and one I wanted to share.

Fayeteville Ladies Book Lovers 1

(And their selfie including a special Richmond visitor who attested to the geographical accuracy!)

FLBL selfie

Writing is mostly solitary work, and when I'm not writing or "having to be on the computer" for other reasons, I'd rather be in the garden or on my bicycle or making music or connecting with other humans in myriad other ways. Thanks "FLBL" for reminding me that my writing connects me with other humans I may never meet but whose lives I am lucky enough to be part of, because they are readers who care about good writing. Every writer needs that!
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